A 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation
Your donations are tax-deductible!
Supporting the
Inside the Isanti City Hall Building
110 First Ave NW, Isanti, MN 55040
The Isanti Outreach Library is open Wednesdays from 11-3
(except holidays)
Next Planning Meeting Thursday, March 20
10:00-11:30 am at
the Outreach Library
The Library Drop Box has been relocated to the other side of the building at the south door (the door closest to the Outreach Library)
Find great books in our Give & Take boxes around town and in local businesses. Take a book or a few, give back a few to “recycle” them for others to enjoy!
Want a Give & Take box in your neighborhood or a bookshelf inside your business? Just ask.
We need your fresh ideas at our Planning Meetings. Bring your friends! You’ll make new ones, too.
Can you help us promote our library and its important role by volunteering for various fun tasks and events? Some of them can even be done from within the comfort of your own home!
Friends of the Isanti Area Library is a 501(c)3 nonprofit group that helped establish and continues to promote the Isanti Library Outreach Site, doing our part to guarantee access to high-quality educational resources for everyone.
Your donations are tax-deductible! All fundraiser proceeds and donations are used for projects promoting the Outreach Site and encouraging literacy and learning in the community.
Isanti Outreach Library is provided by East Central Regional Library